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Certificate in Yoga Therapy

Online only. 400 hours. Contact us for eligibility.

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Online Session

Service Description

The start date and time of course is subject to change based on the number and location of registrations. The course will only commence when a minimum of 10 students register and commit to start. If the course is canceled, the paid amount for the course will be refunded. Students will be able to cancel their registration 5 days before the start of the course. No refunds once the course is started. Course Content 1. Human Anatomy and Physiology 2. Basic Concept of Pathology 3. Concept of Yogic Philosophy 4. Concept of Health & Diseases 5. Concept of Public Health 6. Vedic Concept of Lifestyle 7. Pathophysiology of Depression, Insomnia & Yogic Management 8. Pathophysiology of Disorder of digestive system& Yogic Management 9. Pathophysiology of Diabetes and Obesity & Yogic Management 10. Pathophysiology of Arthritis & Yogic Management 11. Pathophysiology of disorder of Respiratory System & Yogic Management 12. Pathophysiology of Thyroid disorder & Yogic Management 13. Pathophysiology of Menopause & Yogic Management 14. Pathophysiology of Hypertension & Yogic Management 15. Preparation of Room for Yogic Practice 16. Preparation of Yoga session 17. Techniques for Yogic practice & its effect on Human Health 18. Basic principles and method s of various ailments 19. Modification of Yogic Practice 20. Pranayam and its practice 21. Cleanliness of Pots and other appliance of Kriyas 22. Preparation of Shudhhikriyas and their practice Who can join the course? - AYUSH Practitioners - Dieticians & Nutritionist - Health workers - Health enthusiasts - Homemakers - People associated with Wellness business Certificate: Certificates will be awarded to the qualified participants by the Parvati Vidyapeeth Institute, India. General Rules and Regulations: As per the rules and regulations of Parvati Vidyapeeth. Eligibility/Selection: UYI and Parvati Vidyapeeth reserve the right on the selection of candidates.

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